Clearly, I'm checked out of this whole blogging thing. And I apologize for not giving you a proper farewell three weeks ago. Better late than never?
Motherhood is time consuming. I've found a groove and I'm back to showering and using the bathroom at regular intervals, but true "free time" is rare. While I could continue to blog, I know I could find fifteen minutes here or there, I'm going to hold off. I don't want to serve up half-arsed posts twice a month. That's not cool. Not cool for you - you should be able to count on a five minute break from life that's worth your five minutes. Not cool for me - I love writing and don't want to throw together grammatically incorrect, misspelled, boring nonsense.
So, I'm (finally) saying farewell. It's been fantastic. I've so enjoyed our exchanges, I'm no doubt a better mother for them. I won't say goodbye forever, but farewell for the foreseeable future. Thanks for reading. Truly.
I will remain available for a chat at