Thursday, March 22, 2012

Two Women, One Drink

If after reading the title of this post you now think I have a disturbing sense of humor, you're right.  I couldn't help myself.  The title is a play on the title of a highly disgusting youtube video that went viral about 5 years ago.  I'm not going to post a link to the video.  I'm not even going to reveal the true name of the video because I don't want "Stuff People Google" to take an ultra nasty turn in the next few weeks.  But, if you know what I'm talking about feel free to leave a comment about it.  I dare you.

Enough of that.

Drinking alcohol while trying to conceive is something I've touched upon in the past (here).  One can  completely lay off the sauce, carry on as usual or opt for something in between.  It's a personal choice and when it comes to making the choice, reasonable minds differ.  Two women may treat one drink (of alcohol) very different - see how I awkwardly circled back to the title?

image here

In recent times, I've found myself among several woman, all friends, who've made different choices when it comes to drinking alcohol while trying to get pregnant.  It was, unfortunately, awkward.  Everyone was upfront about pregnancy wishes and everyone was upfront about their personal choices when it came to alcohol consumption.  The awkwardness came from the non-upfront judgment that passed between the differing perspectives.

The Drinkers - These ladies thought it the non-drinkers were high strung and generally lame.  They were slightly annoyed that the non-drinkers had decided to take such an extreme measure.  What's the big deal with a single glass of wine?  It's not like the non-drinkers were actually pregnant.  Or...maybe they were actually pregnant, which is why they had drawn such a hard line...hmmm....

The Non-Drinkers - These ladies thought the drinkers were irresponsible and immature.  They were slightly concerned that the drinkers had decided to take such a cavalier stance on such an important issue.      A single glass of wine could be a single glass of wine too much.  It's impossible to know the moment that trying to get pregnant turns into being pregnant.

Of course I don't know exactly what the two sides were thinking because no one said anything out loud.  But, I think I've imagined a likely back and forth.  Just because reasonable minds may differ, doesn't mean reasonable minds don't judge each other differences.  Judging is human nature.  It's entirely unavoidable.  So I'm not going to suggest that you not judge because that wouldn't work.  But, maybe consider the other side because there is another side.



The Mrs./The Mom said...

I've never seen (or bothered to see) that you tube video and only heard it described as "really nasty".

I don't drink at all (pretty lame, I know) so the choice to drink or not drink while TTC was pretty obvious for me. However the concerns for alcohol consumption while TTC may not be "that serious". There are lots of healthy babies conceived out of 'drunken' one night stands (or not so one nighters). Also, by the time impantation occurs and baby really sticks- the alcohol is already out of your system. I haven't seen one piece of research that suggests any embroys have been harmed due to alcohol in the moms system at conception. However, I can see why mom-to-be's would still want to be cautious nonetheless.

Chrissy said...

I am a non-drinker during pregnancy and TTC time. I think if my doctor gave the OK, I'd be fine with it. My doctor gave me an ABSOLUTELY NOT. He said it is not worth the risk. So I do wonder sometimes, did these drinkers discuss with their doctors? Is having one drink worth risk? For me, no, but I've always been more of a 3 drink kind of girl.

I think I'm only judgmental about when women who drink throughout pregnancy act like getting an epidural is OMG so bad for your baby. A doctor will give you an epidural. Would a doctor give you a glass of wine? I'm guessing no.

That being said, it's a private choice. Don't tell people about it (other than your doctor) and don't drink in public unless you can deal with the resulting judgment from strangers and friends.

Erika Anne (from WiggsyInc Blog) said...

Wow, just wow.

I need to say this: this picture alone was reason enough to for me to keep looking at this blog, and at the moment, I'm about 70% done reading every single post that's ever been published here. How is this not in the top 5 on Top Baby? There's so.much.rubbish. even in the top 10! Well done.

WW said...

Let me first say that I am NOT a doctor!!

However I have heard contradicting information from a variety of health care related classes that I have taken throughout my life.

Some say that you have a "2 week grace period" when becoming pregnant. So drinking betweent the time of conception and the blue line is irrelavant.

I have also heard that the timeline of your pregancy starts on the first day of your last period; making it so that the first 2 weeks of "pregnancy" you may not be pregnant at all.

Of course there is a lot of science that goes behind all of this. Most of which I am too dumb to try to explain.

All I will say is: Do your research.

Mother of Pearl said...

I agree with Erika Anne. The best part of this post, which is almost too politically correct on the subject of whether to drink or not... is that insanely amazing picture. I couldn't stop looking. Thanks for the photo!!!

Leah (it's me) said...

Erika Anne - Thanks for the HUGE compliment and for reading. You made my week.

All - This is definitely a serious topic, as evinced by all these thoughtful comments. As WW stated, doing some research and understanding your choice is always a good starting point.

Burnsdgph said...

Let me first say that I am NOT a doctor!! However I have heard contradicting information from a variety of health care related classes that I have taken throughout my life. Some say that you have a "2 week grace period" when becoming pregnant. So drinking betweent the time of conception and the blue line is irrelavant. I have also heard that the timeline of your pregancy starts on the first day of your last period; making it so that the first 2 weeks of "pregnancy" you may not be pregnant at all. Of course there is a lot of science that goes behind all of this. Most of which I am too dumb to try to explain. All I will say is: Do your research.