
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rosie Pope Said...Wha???

Last week's post, Slightly Scared of Being Pregnant in Heels, has received a lot of attention.  I would love to attribute this interest to my witty, insightful and altogether brilliant writing skills, but that's definitively (and unfortunately) not the case.  I'll explain.  I track the ways that people find this blog: links from other websites, twitter, search engines, etc.  If someone gets here from a search engine, I'm able to see the precise phrase that was searched.  Here are just a few of the exact phrases that led people to Next Stop - Baby over the past seven days:

  • pregnant in heels host speech impediment (MANY googled/binged/yahooed this one)
  • Pregnant in Heels host speech
  • what is up with rosie pope speech impediment
  • rosie pope disability
  • Rosie Pope lisp
  • Rosie Pope speech impediment
  • is pregnant in heels host deaf
  • rosie's lips on pregnant in heels
  • pregnant in heels host rosie pope lisp
  • r osie pope speech impediment?

Finally, my personal favorite - "anyone notice rosie pope has a lisp".  Yes and YES.  Everyone has noticed.  Though I'm not willing to concede that her speech is more interesting than the highly eccentric and highly pregnant women on her show, I am willing to admit that I understand the fascination given that the question remains unanswered.  How are we supposed to stop debating it until we get an answer one way or another?

So, what exactly is the issue with Rosie Pope's speech?  I HAVE THE ANSWER, sort of.  NextStopBaby follows RosiePope on twitter (and we have actually exchanged a couple tweets, ehem, ehem).  Yesterday, @RosiePope tweeted the following response to a question posed by one of her followers/speech impediment enthusiasts (@DanielleDiDit):

"Not aware of impediment but now u have me wandering- think just accent;)"@DanielleDiDit :do u have speech impediment or just "crazy" accent"

Thank you DanielleDiDit for going to the source and asking the question everyone else was afraid to ask, but absurdly curious to know the answer.

UPDATE (5/17/11) - Some of the comments below are...negative (to put it lightly).  For now, I've decided not to erase any of them because I think it's a bad precedent.  However, I do want to point out that they are not my thoughts (my thoughts are above only) and I do want to suggest that if Ms. Pope's voice genuinely upsets you it's as easy as switching the channel.


  1. Ok, you got me. Off to youtube this girl.

  2. I think it's interesting that she said "now you have me wandering". Where is she "wandering" off to? I believe she was going for the word wondering". Yes, her speech, ummm, pattern bothers me too!

  3. This woman says her speech is attributed to her growing up in England until age 18 and because her husband was born in the south. Huh? She also says she studied neuroscience at Columbia University. If that were truly the case, she would know that she doesn't speak with an impediment because her husband was born in Mississippi. Time for this conceited snag to come clean.

  4. i think she is an intelligent and highly functioning person with a mild case of downs syndrome.

  5. I feel like I am a very accepting easy going person. That being said I think this was a very great concept for a show, but I cannot watch it due to the speach issue, I find it very irritating and that inturn makes me feel like a horrible person. Had to tune out.

  6. I like the show a lot, but I can't watch it either due to her "accent". I've never heard an "accent" like that. Not trying to be mean, but i honestly thought she was deaf when i first watched the show. I wish they'd get a new host so I can stand watching it.

  7. my husband said it's like she's talking with an ice cube in her mouth. Maybe she has a piercing and won't admit it

  8. Saw this recently for the first time and could not take more than a few minutes. I too thought she was at least partially deaf. It's as if her tongue is swollen!

  9. I just thought she was functionally retarded and a fine example of persons with disabilities hard at work.

  10. Some of the above comments are really mean. The girl is adorable with her swollen tongue:) It's nothing horrible to watch. Some of the comments are so angry. Why do women have to be so insecure/jealous? What a waste! So much negative energy.

  11. Obviously her speech impediment mirrors someone who is deaf... My first guess would be deaf but that's not possible so she has a lisp and trying to cover it so to speak... unfortunately, it is frustrating to watch and for that they will lose the public... it's not about us being mean... or negative.. it's human nature to feel frustrated watching and hearing someone speaking as though their tongue were very swollen and then trying to mask that. What were they thinking?

  12. I watched her show for the first time today..and I thought I was hearing things...but after I read these comments I went and re-watched the episode and yes, she has a speech impediment like someone that is partially deaf (she definitely isn't totally deaf...that's obvious)!
    But yes it does get on my nerves..but honestly the ladies actually got on my nerves more than anything. I can tolerate Rosie...I just can't handle all this whining, belly aching, crying about the slightest of things (crying about breathing, needles, breast feeding, birth/labor, and so on! The episode I'm talking about was with Cindi Avila & Nichole Greevy.
    An the lady with having herself painting naked on a horse & revealing it for the 1st time in front of her husband and friends....(YIKES!)!!

  13. Clearly she has some sort of impediment...that she chooses not to address it head on/publically is her prerogative. I had a stutter, not pronounced but enough that I needed strategies. As I have gotten older if I am really tired or stressed it has started reappearing. It does not define me and her speech does not define her. She seems to be a beautiful person inside and out. She is good at what she does and her own struggle with fertility is touching. The positiveness of the show is reason enough to keep watching...I'm tired of seeing people fight and posture to stay on the reality tv radar.

  14. she is definitely not British.She doesn't have a British accent. I should know, as I am British (from the South)
    There is something really strange about Rosie Pope and I wonder what it is. The show is funny (sometimes) and would be probably better, if she would just shut up and not talk.

  15. She does have an impediment. It sounds as if she has learned to speek as someone at least partially but seriously deaf. She may also have what I believe is called an orofacial myofunctional disorder, which has to do with problems with the muscles in the mouth. Our son had this as a young boy and we had to rely on his older brother to interpret much of what he said as his speech was "mushy" and very difficult to understand. When we found out the problem, we hired a special speech therapist that spent a number of years working with him. Many many videos and exercises later and his speech is 99% corrected and he's actually studying theatre. You should have a speech therapist analyze Rosie's speech.

  16. Rosie can do a lot for people with speech disabilities. She should spend time with a speech therapist and clear up the problem. But first, she must admit that there is a problem. Believe me Rosie, there is a problem. People love stories of overcoming obstacles. You should try it.

  17. She has a lisp. It's as simple as that. Interesting, that she doesn't realize it though. I love that she's an advocate for the babies! :)

  18. I have nothing against Rosie Pope, but please just admit that you have a speech impediment! She will not admit it but you can "physically" see it when she speaks. What offends me is that Rosie has to LIE about her problem!!! Bravo- what were you guys thinking, picking this talentless woman to host this show??? Rosie Pope- as Trump would has, "you're fired!!!" Rosie you have a speech impediment and it's not good to LIE to your children or to the public!!!

  19. I think that these comments are ridiculous. Please get a life and something to actually complain about. I adore Rosie Pope, love her no nonsense advise and her style.

  20. I google everything, and the fact that I cannot find an answer to "what is up with Rosie's speech" makes me wonder if we are all part of a covert sociolinguistics study. Hmmm... Bravo, Rosie what's up?

    (no mean spirit intended)

  21. Of course she has a profound speech impediment. That is why looking up "Rosie Pope speech, or accent, or impediment" meets with results in
    Rosie Pope:
    Deaf Parents
    Speech Impediment

    and those searches reach into the thousands. SO if Rosie Pope is really in denial and curious as to why people think that, you have just learned that Rosie Pope lies. Haha. OF COURSE SHE DOES. You don't make it through the UK or US school system without being tagged when you can't speak- and if thousands of viewers are actually searching under "deaf" then they are not being mean- they are literally curious to see if SHE IS.

    Bravo really f-cked up with this choice. The show is cute but literally, if I am watching the show while doing something and she's on air speaking- I have to stop what I'm doing to watch her mouth to figure out what she's saying. If I don't look, it thounslaak thee's having anaphalactic thock. Her tongue ith tho thwollen.

  22. "what is up with rosie pope's speech?" I googled and got here. Glad to see I'm not alone. The first time I saw 'Pregnant in Heels' I thought she was deaf.. but as time went on, that's clearly not the case.. but it doesn't sound like any lisp I've ever heard.. although it is mixed in with the accent (wherever it's from). Still, it's a bit mind boggling any time I watch the show. Annd I like ANSWERS to mind boggling questions!! Thats what googling is all about! - - So what gives, Rosie Pope>??

  23. Sometimes I miss WHAT she's saying because I'm concentrating on HOW she's saying it. :) It's not an accent, it's more like she has a lazy or thick tongue. Or maybe it's that she doesn't like her tongue, lips and teeth touching each other. Or.....I don't know but it's something in the way she holds her mouth. Fascinating! I'm still watching because she seems so lovely and real. LT, you are also fascinating but that 'do. I vote for a change if there's voting to be done. I don't get it but...who cares! Love the team!

  24. Sorry but I find her voice a turn on. What can I say ?

  25. I think most of you have much bigger issues than rosie. Get over it, she's speaks differently but has a lot of interesting things to say. Much more so than all the rich pregnant people on the show. It's shameful that most of you can't see past her speech.

  26. I can't believe I'm not the only one who notices her voice/impediment/whatever it is. I have a theory about her. I think she HAD a British accent and then married her southern guy and his accent has rubbed off on her and when she speaks she doesn't quite know how to get it out because her mouth wants to do two different things so she's sort of tongue tied! I think that's it.

  27. oh and I do think she definitely has a lisp on top of getting tongue tied.

  28. There is definitely something wrong with her speech, and I really hate to say it, but listening to her, is very difficult. I'm watching her, and to me it looks like her tongue doesn't move when she talks, like maybe she is medically tongue tied. Or maybe an unrepaired cleft pallet, where air escapes through the nose when she is trying to talk, so her words and sounds are escape through her nose so she has to try harder to get her words out normally. Whatever it is, and no matter how mean this will sound, its very hard to listen to her because I cant pick out some of what shes saying. Its definitely not a British accent, unless its a British accent WITH a speech impediment

  29. Interesting how many "Anonymous" posts there are. Bold enough to criticize, but not enough to share your identity. You all need to take a look in the mirror and decide if you are SO perfect that you can complain about how someone sounds or judge them. I have watched the show. I have noticed her speech. It's different, but it's who she is. If you don't like it, turn it off.

  30. Goggle you and we all are asking the same question "What the Fuck" believe me the public has accepted over weight stars, and have over looked physical beauty but that speech problem will not take you anywhere you have obviously a problem GET YOUR HEARING CHECKED ROSIE we don't like what we are HEARING

  31. Maybe Rosie has a mouth plate

  32. Wow, Such rude posts from so many people! Just watched her for the first time today and she is adorable. I only came across this blog because I was googling trying to find out an outfit she was wearing (not her own line). Hopefully most people watching the show won't be so critical of her...

  33. Enjoyed the show but totally distracted by Rosie's unplaceable accent - at times very British, at others, a turn of South African ("Sooo..."), at others, a little Russian or Eastern European. In my opinion she's the product of either a) deaf parents or b) an Eastern European nanny as a child...or c) she's actually a Berliner covering her roots. :)

  34. What is wrong with all of you! I've just stumbled across this link and have read some of the comments, maybe it's a lisp, or an accent! What could it be!? WHO CARES! Just as some of you have mentioned how she has not addressed it obviously means she isn't bothered by it. So why are all of you? Should she have started the show by saying "Hello, I'm Rosie Pope, I am British and have been living in America for X number of years that is why my accent is a little funny, I'm really sorry if the way I speak irritates you, I will endeavor to be perfect just like the rest of you". Move on..

  35. Frustrated by the show, frustrated by the concept, frustrated by the voice which is how I got here and now I'm even more frustrated because I don't have an answer. God I wish America would stop making these crap reality tv shows which I can't stop watching and am totally addicted to. arggghhh!!!

  36. "rosie pope retarded"

    Thank you google for finding this site.

    She mosdef has a lisp. I can't stand this show. White people name their kid "bodie"? Whoa.

    btw I'm half white and partly retarded. So. Yah.

  37. I agree with everyone above - impediment: lisp, deaf, piercing, foreign accent, swollen tongue, whatever. It's difficult to listen to and I really don't want to "change the channel" because I am fascinated by these rich NYC women who are just so DUMB! GAWD they behave like the 60's Valley Girls! So dump Rosie and get someone with personality who can speak properly for heavens sake! Rosie is just too beige.

  38. Definite speech impediment (regardless of accent) - her husband has to ask her to repeat herself. It's a shame if she's in denial, but she should deal with it because her children may pick up bad habits in trying to speak like her. I like the concept of the show, but Rosie talks about her clients as though they're retarded. I would like to see someone more empathetic to the clients.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. All the criticism of the criticism: People - she's getting paid to speak! She's getting paid for what she says, how she looks, what she wears, etc. therefore she's a professional and it's all fair game!
    It's a TV show so both video AND audio matter! The perks of being on a TV show are the $$$ & fame. The downside of being on a TV show is the fame.
    Rosie's fair game. Whatever her issue, it should be addressed for the sake of the show. Bravo is just stupid to pretend she doesn't have a speech issue.

  41. In my opinion, I don't hear a hint of any kind of accent at all. It's definitely a speech impediment. Between that & the fact that she speaks so fast, most of the time I can barely understand what she's saying, it's sounds like she's mumbling. My brother had a lisp when he was a little kid, he went to a speech pathologist who taught him how to speak without the lisp & he's spoken without a lisp ever since. I'm a person that notices every little thing about people & I'm aware of her speech every time I watch her & I do find it quite annoying.

  42. I was born tongue tied and if i didn't get it cut i would sounds pretty much the way she does.. If you notice when she speaks her tongue doesn't really move around that much.. I think she is tongue tied.

  43. yes, she has a pediment. but that's not what bothers me. why are all the husbands gay???? and robin is a liar and a witch. why have a wedding 9 months pregnant. her gay husband could wait.

  44. I was just watching this show and she brought this lady to an opera house to meet a voice coach she knows. I was reading this blog to investigate her strange lisp that makes her sound deaf in fact me and my wife were trying to see if she is just reading lips or not. I find it interesting that she knows a voice coach though. She must be getting help dealing with her swollen tongue

  45. What is up with all the mean comments?? If you met someone who was partially deaf or had a speech impediment would you avoid conversation with them because listening to them speak made you angry? Stop hiding behind a computer screen spreading hate and do something better with your life.

  46. The only thing likeable about Rosie Pope *is* her slight lisp. Otherwise, I find her too often angry, ineffective, inconstant, unkind, tendentious, and downright annoying. I was horrified by the way she spoke of and to some of the people she has been hired to help, and amused by how often she looks gobsmacked when, in fact, it is her job to be in charge.

  47. I just turned the show off, couldn't stand the premise of the show or the lispy host. Gimme a break, you can hear and see the very obvious lisp. No way in hell she doesn't know she has a speech impediment. Yucky show.

  48. Birthed 4 children, watched the show twice...won't be watching it a third time....irritating host...seems pretentious not helpful. Reality will hit those high heeled moms to be soon enough. Her services would be better rendered after baby arrives.
    And FYI her comment on a mother getting a push present even though she was having a planned section and that she couldn't believe she was given a push present when she wouldn't feel a thing....absolute ignorance. You feel lots for weeks after the foot long incision...I know I've done it 4 times and wouldn't wish not having the natural birthing experience on anyone. She make many inexperienced comments, sounds like she has very little experience as a mom and shouldn't be hosting a show training moms.

  49. I don't watch women's shows but I do surf between shows just like online. I give shows a fair amount of time just out of curiosity. I Googled and found this site.

    The comments and total ignorance about Ms Pope is mean and despicable. You are disgusting excuses for intelligent human beings.

    The scariest part is that you people actually have children that will grow up to be as ignorant and useless as yourselves.

  50. To this website: Shouldn't the comments be posted as the newest first rather than the other way around?

  51. Rosie Pope has mild retardation.

  52. Rosie Pope has mild retardation.

  53. I've no problem with Rosie's speech impediment, but I think it stupid to blame the way she speaks on, living in the UK until she was 18 and being married to someone in the south.
    No other girls that live here in the south of England sound like Rosie Pope, unless they are partiality deaf of course, then it's quite understandable.

    I happen to live in the south, Southampton in fact South coast.
    My wife is American from Memphis, she has a southern accent and audible one, But I don't sound anything like Rosie Pope and none of the girls I've ever met here sound like her either, oddly enough my wife does not sound like her either and she is also married to a southerner....So Rosie, cut the crap and simply be honest, nothing to be ashamed about....just be honest with people, most could not care less, so why hide the fact?

    Kate Winslet is from the south, why does she not speak like you Rosie?
    Perhaps it's just being married to a southerner.....I'd better warn my wife she will sound like she is talking with a mouthful of cabbage in a few years

  54. I just stumbled upon the show this evening, have never seen it before, but like many others, I googled to see what the deal was with the host's speech.

    After watching the intro, Rosie entered the room and began talking to the expecting couple. Took me a moment of refocusing and shaking my head to clear my ears, but I realized that I literally could not understand one word she was saying.

    I'd actually be interested in her feedback to the other folks on the show,because the facial expressions she gives off indicate utter contempt and disgust for the mom and dad to be. However, I need subtitles. Looks like I'm not alone in this requirement for following what's taking place on the show. Add some subtitles!

  55. I actually love the way she is different indeed but I love it. She's cute, an entrepreneur, and I love her style.

  56. Okay, now I know it's just not me and that's the reason why I had to look this up because I thought I was going nuts. I was watching the episode with the lady wanting to be painted naked on the horse, but I had to turn the channel. Her speech is very annoying and irritating-not to be mean. It's just bad on the ears.

  57. At first I found her accent kind of annoying and difficult to understand, but she quickly grew on me. She is a very intelligent person with great advice. She is also sensitive with some of her annoying clients. I still find the accent/lisp kind of funny, but no one is perfect

  58. I find that the speech impediment (Rosie sounds like me when I used to get cankers on the tip of my tongue)added to the somewhat hyperactive, 'valley girl' delivery is too disconcerting for me to take her seriously.If I KNEW that she had lost the tip of her tongue or had some other disability I would work harder to get past it but, combined with the 'valley girl' delivery and the sense of pressure, it's just too much.

  59. You people are sooo funny. I watched few episodes od the show tonight and I understood everything, even though my native language is not English. I find her lisp cute :)

  60. I don't know why she won't admit this has nothing to do with having an accent. Sadly, I can't watch the show because I just can't understand her. The lisp, or whatever it is is too distracting. If she admitted it, I'd have more compassion.

  61. I watched it for about 10 minutes and probably wont watch it again because I cant understand half of the stuff she's saying..

  62. Someone said "Sorry but I find her voice a turn on. What can I say ?"

    I totally agree, it sounds like a girl trying to talk with a cock in her mouth. Big turn on.

  63. Rosie is making money off of anyone that is dumb enough to makes fools out of themselves on TV. More power to her, she is just following 100% of made up stuff that we are stupid enough to pay to see. I think she is cute and knows about babies. The rest aren't responsible enough to raise a rock. The future generation, as you could see by the girl that was a monster, without Rosie's help, will ruin everything they touch. Go Rosie-save as many as you can!

  64. I actually started watching the show because rosie (and the way she speaks) intrigues me! I have only seen one episode so far but the annoying ladies /guests/moms to be are SO MUCH WORSE! If they got another host it would be just another marry a millionaire type real housewife over the top fake wannabe celebrity. We have to be accepting of how our children turn out so i think its magnificent that rosie is hosting the show about preparing for childbirth, speech impediment or not. You cant "style" a speech impediment, put makeup on it or wear spanx over it. Its a part of her thats totally naked and honest and awesome. In this tv world where everthing youve been givin isnt good enough, this is refreshing... For a reality show host anyway! Bravo!

  65. Not only can the problem be heard, it is highly visible. As an early childhood educator who has dealt with children with speech problems, I would recommend that Rosie seek professional help.

  66. Sheesh! You people are mean haters. Good for her for having a show that so many of you have watched. Get a life.

  67. It's intersting that people are telling others to "get a life" as they sit on a website reading posts about some scarcely-known lady on TV. I'll admit it right now: I need to get a life for being on here, but so do you! That being said, I literally could not watch the show because of Rosie's speech issues. It's not because I'm mean or need to get a life. I was feeling physically stressed out from it. I had never seen the show nor heard of Rosie before a couple minutes ago, but I had to see what was up with her speech. It does seem strange that she would be unaware of the problem...

  68. Oh my gosh! Yes, I am guilty of seeing this site because I googled, is the host of prenant in heels deaf? First time watching this show, and I was just noticing her speech. Wondering if she had an accent, or something more. I like her... and some of these comments are just so mean.

  69. I think it's sad and pathetic that people cannot watch her show just because of the way she speaks. It's not that serious. I think she is beautiful inside and out for doing what she loves and helping people progress during such a delicate time as pregnancy. Clearly anyone who has anything to say about her or her show is a hatred. But that just means she is doing something right!

  70. I like the way she talks, I think it's cute!!

  71. Rosie does not have a lisp. She uses a fake British accent off & on. It is her /r/ sounds that are off.
    I am a Speech Pathologist. She also talks way to slowly for a New Yorker and exhibits glottal fry.
    BB in MI

  72. Oops too slowly. I only watched to see the episode with the vocal coach but no details were given.
    Glottal fry is that hoarse repeated gutteral sound & indicates misuse of her voice. It appears to be something she is doing to lower her vocal register.

    If, this show is on next season, I would be surprised.

  73. I dont know why people are so mean about it, she is a nice person who is doing a good thing. If you do not like it change the channel, why are you watching it! Its clearly not her fault and you are not being forced to watch the show. It is her life, her job, I dont know why people would be so mean and rude!!

  74. Funny - I had never seen this show before. I happen to be pregnant (26 weeks), but still didn't intentionally put it on - came on after something else I was watching and I left it on for background noise, only half paying attention while doing other things.

    Every time I've found myself paying any attention whatsoever, I cringe at her voice/lisp/speech impediment/accent/whatever it is, leading me to the search term "pregnant in heels annoying lisp" and bringing me to your blog. I was quite surprised to see how often this is searched for! Thanks.

  75. I googled it because I was making fun of her to my husband, when he said well she could be deaf or something. So I felt a twinge of guilt. Google I did and got to here. But I have to admit I did not think anything was wrong with her so much as she was trying too hard to have an accent of some sort. Kind of like when kids make up a Brits accent in the USA for example. It sounds funny. I hear this like valley girl,American,British, thing going on. It is just plain odd. I have lived all over the USA, Now in Europe and to be honest I can say I have picked up some accents on the way. The most prominent is south eastern USA. It is not as strong but when I go back to the area I pick it right up full force. I have went home to my native Michigan USA and been asked where am I from. So of course you can pick up accents etc. But her speaking is stranger than anything I have ever heard. I am an expat so I hear a lot of people speaking English. I think people are intrigued by it because it really is unlike anything anyone has heard. Is she deaf, have a lisp? Is her her very own unique dialect?

  76. Watching her speak, I get the feeling she has invisible braces fitted. We're new to the show as it only started airing here in The Netherlands this year and we get subtitles, so I don't alway need to hear her. But when I am using my computer while watching tv, I sometimes have a hard time understanding what she says.
